Our roadmap in revolutionising student motivation in education
Using blockchain technology, cryptocurrency and NFTs to reimagine how we can incentivise children at school.
Q3 2022
Idea incubation, team formation, technology researching and prototyping
community building, school selection for pilot programme
Q4 2022
Mint reward coin using the Polygon sidechain on the Ethereum blockchain
Release MVP, airdrop reward tokens to pilot schools to run pilot programme
Q1 2023
Release 1.0
Expand community of participating schools to 50, targeting 25,000 users
Release student chat and trade function of the student dashboard
Expand community of participating schools to further increase the number of users
Release NFT avatar game
Brand partnerships: Invite brands to list NFTs on NFT shop
Continue to expand schools and users
Charity / NGO partnerships: Open platform to organisations so they can incentivise volunteers with a "volunteer to earn" programme
Continue to expand schools and users
Airdrop governance tokens, airdrop exchange coins
Expand community of participating schools to 100, targeting 50,000 users
And much more to come...